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一个简单的API Proxy

1. 起因

在配置Directus使用钉钉扫码登录时候,发现钉钉的免密登录(OAuth 2)和RFC规范不一致。 需要做协议转换后才能和Directus正常通信。 需求比较小众,没有现成的软件,只好自己动手了。

2. 主要功能

  1. 能作为API通信的中间人, 转发客户端和API服务器之间的通信, 记录LOG,方便分析协议;
  2. 作为中间人,能修改请求的内容, 修改响应的内容;可以做协议适配,转换。

APIPROXY is a RESTFUL API proxy, monitor and adaptor.

Forward RESTFUL API to another host. It's man in the middle who can monitor and modify the header and body of the API Request & Response. Good for protocol study and adaptation.


  • API proxy: forward any incoming API to remote sever and return the response back to client.
  • API monitor: you can get detailed log of the API req and res in the log file.
  • API adpator: modify the request and response on the fly while forwarding, including parameters, body, http headers etc.
  • API mock server: you can add your own API for testing purpose easily.

3. 目前状态

初步实现了对钉钉OAuth2协议的RFC6749兼容封装。 目前Directus已经可以通过它的翻译支持钉钉免密登录。

4. 参考